Words of Wisdom by Stan Lee regarding Work
It's been almost two years since the passing of Stan Lee, but the following quote of his always makes me reflect on what I've learned and the enjoyment I get out of my career.
I think whatever you do you should do what you most want to do and what you’re best at. Too many people don’t do what their heart’s desire is. They try to do something else ’cause they think it will be easy to get a job or make money. And if that happens then when you’re doing it you feel like you’re working. But if you do what you really want to do you feel like you’re playing and it’s easier for you to do. - Stan Lee
I recommend listening to the audio version of this quote. The first time I heard it I had chills because it really resonated with me.
Too often I see people either settling for their current job that they hate or getting in the field they want to be in, but not pushing themselves to be the best they can be and moving up the ladder. I used to be in that situation but learned my lesson once I realized I had to keep learning to make projects easier to plan and build. Since that job I've really built up a foundation of knowledge that makes each part of the project go smoother.
When Mr. Lee mentioned someone just getting a job because they think it will be easy or just to make money, it made me wonder how many people out there are like that. I'm sure there could be variables such as money or time to learn a new skill/trade. When someone is unhappy with their job you can usually tell right away. Their attitude, either on the job or social media posts complaining about it, can often be a bad reflection on the company. There are times when I'll ask those I'm familiar with if they are interested in the IT/Web Development field because I love helping others gain new knowledge that could be useful for a future job/project. I have a plethora of bookmarks that I've categorized to get someone's resources on the spot. I'm actually currently helping a friend of mine break into the Development field. I talked to him on the phone and gave him the Pros/Cons of the job as well as my recommendations on the type of Development job he might be most interested in based on what kind of work he wants to do.
I'm at the stage in my career where I feel like I'm playing and it's easier for me to do, as Stan Lee said in his quote. I love coming in every day to work, even on Mondays, to tackle all of the challenges that the day has to offer. Over time, I've gone from spinning my wheels on technical issues to knowing where to look or who to ask in the developer community.
Thank you for reading this blog! I appreciate you taking the time to read my thought for the day. Have a great day.